Guess who~
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: Guess who~
Maka Albarn Newbie*whispers back* [thumbup]
papa: sorry, dont have any fish on me, sure, we can go out sometime. i've been talking to lord death. *git distracted*
*runs away and mouths blair,"thank you!"* -
*waves secretly behind back at Maka and purr slightly*
Ooh sounds fun, talking about what? -
Maka Albarn Newbiepapa: about how maka has changed, and about Medusa Gorgon, and kishi..
Oh, well that's alot. Must be stressful, huh?
papa: *sighs* yeah. :)
You need to relax, calm down a bit. Being the Death Scythe and all you should take it easy more often, I know I would.
Maka Albarn Newbiepapa:its hard, because maka might get hurt or something might go wrong...
Maka's a strong girl, she can take care of herself. Plus, Soul isn't too shabby himself.^^
SpiritAlbarn NewbieQuit impersonating me.
Maka Albarn Newbiepapa: your right, she does have soul on her side, and she is strong. ;)
- there are two. *thinks 'oh well twice the fish'*
^-^ See, now that's better. -
SpiritAlbarn NewbieI'm the real Spirit.
Well, thats no fun. That means I didn't actually get a date.:/
Unless you do want to go?:3 *purrs* -
SpiritAlbarn Newbie........... ?
...Come on Spirit, take a break, do you want to go on a date, Death Scythe?
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