two questions
Thread Topic: two questions
so there is no option to upload a picture for this account so idk- also how can I make images work? is there something new from the bbcode and thread I found for it?
for reference, this is the thread I found to help me.
Do you mean just updating your profile picture?
And that thread is a good explanation on how to post a picture! If copying you Image URL doesn't work, you could always upload it to a third party website like PostImage or ImgBB (this is more business centered but also has a free option), then follow those instructions! I used to have to do that a lot! -
unfortunately, my school blocked those sites lol.
and yes, it wont let me update my profile picture.
So, I was able to find a thread where some users were having similar issues. Unfortunately, this looks like a problem that only GTQ Guy can fix.
What's Causing the Picture Glitch?
I can make a post in the moderator forum, but it would depend on when GTQ Guy decides to make an appearance again to fix it. I wish I could be of more assistance. Once I have time I am going to toy around with what's causing the glitch in being able to post images as well. -
alright, thank you for your help, I appreciate it.
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