Mr. Fluffykins is very upset at all of you!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:19pm
Thread Topic: Mr. Fluffykins is very upset at all of you!
Mr Fluffykins: Meow
Why is Mr. Fluffy kind mad at me? D:
He is upset he got thrown at Want so he's in one of those moods :/
Mr. Fluffykins: Meow! -
Well, I'm allergic to cats, so....
*sneezes* Yeah... -
Mr Fluffykins: *walks to Audree* Meow!!!!
AZY Juniorlol xD *Turns into puppy* ruff!
Mr. Fluffykins: *runs away* Meow Meow!
Well I can speak catenese he said, i'm sorry just get that mutt away from me!
Bad kitty! -
*sneezes again* Okay, little kitty. I get it. You want to torture me.
AZY Juniorhe's not a mutt. he's a cute little bulldog named rex
I have to go now, so does Mr. Fluffykins, adios!
MF: Meow! -
AZY Juniorbye cody x3
Oh thank god! *sneezes once more then wanders out of thread*
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