Chapter One of my Book
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Thread Topic: Chapter One of my Book
Chapter One
Vigil for a Vampire
Oh, Come on Mia! Dont you think he deserves respect from all of the student body? I mean, the poor guy died trying to win for us, Savera pleaded. She had her heart set on going to the candlelight vigil for one of the football players at school. He had taken one hit too hard on the field, leaving him with internal bleeding and two broken ribs.
Thomas had been the best football player at our school for years. It was the final game of the year, when the Ravens went up against the Panthers. And us Panthers never give up, even when we think we wont win. So far, the game had been hopeless. We were losing 10-0, and there was only fifteen minutes left on the clock. But it was then that we started to pull through. Thomass unusual speed and strength suddenly gave us hope, just like it always did.
By the last two minutes of the game, we were once again winning, 10-12. At this point, we were almost sure we were going to win, but only thirty seconds to the end of the game, the Ravens were about to make a score that would pull them ahead and give them the win. We were in despair, until we saw Thomas gaining on the boy with the ball. We began to cheer as we saw him leap in front of the other boy, but then we died down when we realized something.
He wasnt moving.
By the time the medics got to him, there was no helping Thomas.
But the real reason Savera wanted to go wasnt to pay her respects, it was to see if my horoscope was correct. Yesterday, she had me check it online, and it said:
When a schoolmate is lost, destiny will follow where last goodbyes lie
Savera is convinced that something great will happen there, but Im pretty skeptic about how authentic the horoscope is. I mean, it was pretty exact. How did it know that someone at school had died? It just didnt make any sense to me.
Okay, Savera, how about this? If you let me go down to the park with Noah afterwards, I guess Ill come with you, I respond to her agonizingly annoying pleads.
Oh, thank you Mia! Thank you, thank you! Savera happily screeched in reply to my acceptance.
Later that night, at the vigil, I saw that it really was the entire student body that had shown up to pay their respects. I knew most of the faces in the crowd, and mixed in were plenty of parents and teachers. In the front, I could see Thomass entire family weeping. His mother was clutching his little sister, Maya, and his big brother was standing by the statue of the school mascot. The Panthers usual pendant had been replaced with one that said, Thomas: Not only a football player, but also a friend. Thomass dad was standing next to his brother, staring at the uniform Thomas was wearing when he took the hit. It was displayed proudly on a mannequin in front of the main entry doors, as it had for the past week.
When the service began, everyone became quiet as Thomass father took the microphone and began a prayer.
In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit, Amen. Oh God, let us take this chance to thank you for the lives you have given us, and for the life of our own Thomas Enrich. He was not only an amazing football player, neither was he only an amazing student, but he was also an amazing friend to all gathered here today, and those who could not make it. He made this school a better place; he made every place he went a better place, and he never lost sight of what we all saw in him clearly; his love for the game.
A song began to play softly in the background, and for the next hour and a half, family, friends, neighbors, and teachers all came up to talk about Thomas. Everyone who came up offered a beautiful prayer, and words of wisdom for the family.
The whole time, Noah stood next to me with his arm around my shoulder, occasionally whispering into my ear. Its okay, hes gone, he would say, every time I started to get choked up. Not that I missed Thomas at all.
By 11:30, the vigil was over, and we all began to clear out.
Now, when was my destiny supposed to come? I questioned Savera, as Noah and I walked off on our way to the park downtown.
Well, I tried She mumbled in response.
I laughed and looked at the ground as I walked with Noah, and we were soon at the entrance to the park, walking to the willow that was placed in the very middle.
You know, I used to think that one day, he would get me. I really thought he would, I told Noah. He put his arm over my shoulder.
Well, now you know that youre safe, He kissed the top of my head. Completely safe.
I know, I know, its just that Ever since the vigil, it seems like all my fears of him not really being gone have been renewed. Like, even though we cant sense him anymore, he can still take me. I still dont feel safe here, I feel like were trespassing I look around us, for some reason sure that Thomas will come out of nowhere and take me right from Noahs arms.
Back then, under that willow, I had no idea it would happen when I most feared it would. Right then, in Noahs arms.
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