anyone wanna rp?
Thread Topic: anyone wanna rp?
i need someone to rp with, since i lost my rp partner-
i'd prefer someone more skilled in rp, but idrc either way lol
wdym by more skilled?
like someone with experience, ig? or who has rped before at least a few times lol
it doesn't matter that much tho, idrm either way -
bcz I sure can but depends of ur playstyle
i kinda rp like i'm writing a story, kinda descriptive with my writing n stuff lol
I hosted a few and played a part in many but i think they were way too different of the ones you do here
i mean, if you wanna try it out we can- i could show you my writing style if you want?
why not... wait, it involves writing? Cool i'm on flipphone will take me ages but I'm up 4 it (btw, since my phone is so shi+ I have to reload the page each time bcz it doesnt sync) This took 10 min
anyway its 23:10 GUD NITE *slaps head on pillow aggressively*
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