- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: TRUTH OR DARE
thisismyquiz NoviceHave you ever fainted? (yeah I know, stupid.... My brain is not exactly creative at the momento).
thisismyquiz NoviceLolz for some reason everyones picking truth
@blue have you ever eaten chap stick or any make up?
Hello! I'm back!!!
ok t or d?
thisismyquiz NoviceHi true.
Does anyone want a dare? -
I do a dare!!!
***sigh*** i will if no one else will....
I want. A dare!
thisismyquiz NoviceI will have a dare ready in a minute....
Ok blue *goes to kitchen makes pie and eats it* done the eating!!
thisismyquiz NoviceWhoever wants a dare pick a forum(i. E. polotics) and I will give you a dare.
Blue the pack and the guys are waiting.
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