thisismyquiz's Profile

Joined on Mar 6, 2012
Status Level: Senior
thisismyquiz's Quizzes
- So this is High school! Part 12/13[published: Sep 18, 2012, 3 comments]
Sorry this is late, I'll be kind of writing off and on, but here you guys go, and enjoy! ……
- So this is High School! Part 11[published: Jul 10, 2012, 4 comments]
Okay, first off, I really really need to pay a lot closer attention, because THIS IS PART……
- So this is High School! Part 10: SPLENDERIFIC DANCE[published: Jul 03, 2012, 5 comments]
Okay, first of all, thanks to everyone for your awesome ideas! And also, I……
- So this is High School! Part 10[published: Jul 02, 2012, 6 comments]
Hey! It's this series 10th anniversary LOL :D Thanks for reading this series and commenting,……
- So this is High School! Part 9[published: Jun 28, 2012, 4 comments]
Hey guys! Hey readers! Hey fans! Hey people! Hey non people! I apologize for the long wait for……
- My GTQ shout outs 2[published: Jun 19, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey GTQ, here's my second round of shout outs! You may not even remember my first ones, but anyways this is……
- So this is high school!part 8[published: Jun 19, 2012, 4 comments]
Part eight, yay! I hope you guys like this! Here's another shout-out for my totally awesome……
- So this is High school! Part 7[published: Jun 18, 2012, 4 comments]
Well, part 7 took a long time and I am so sorry for that,guys! I hope my readers will still read……
- So this is high school!Part 6[published: Jun 06, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey guys! Sorry this part took so long to come out! Woo hoo and phew, we're actually at part six!……
- So this is high school! Part 5 1/2: Poll Time![published: Jun 02, 2012, 4 comments]
Hey out there! Part six is almost ready!... But in the meantime, here's a poll……
- So this is High School! Part 5[published: Jun 01, 2012, 5 comments]
Whew! Part five! Awesome! Thanks for reading and commenting! I always look forward to reading……
- So this is high school! Part 4[published: Jun 01, 2012, 5 comments]
Okay and alrighty! In this edition of So this is High School! You finish meeting the guys and……
- So this is high school! Part 3[published: May 31, 2012, 3 comments]
Okay, so guess what? This time I'm actually going to write a description- in the second……
- So this is high school!Part 2[published: May 30, 2012, 5 comments]
Welcoome to part two. In this edition, I took one commenters advice and did more about girlfriends……
- So this is High School![published: May 30, 2012, 5 comments]
This is a series I will be writing because I wanted to get a feel for writing High School……
- Hey hey hey Jessie[published: May 29, 2012, 9 comments]
Before you take this quiz, please note: my sister who's five, wroted this, all of this. She told me what to……
- Does He Like You?[published: May 23, 2012, 5 comments]
Okay, so there are a lot of quizzes sort of totally identical to this one. Does he like me? Does he really……
- Hey, what's that? Where am I? Part 2[published: May 22, 2012]
Hey, look! It's part two!! We actually did it! (Okay, I actually did it, but still! ) I'm……
- Run away from it: Where am I? Part 1[published: May 21, 2012, 2 comments]
Okay , so this is my new series about a girl with a terrible life who stumbles upon-well,……
- My GTQ Shout outs 1[published: May 13, 2012, 3 comments]
Welcome to my first GTQ shout-outs: People on here that really made me smile this week! I hope that this is……
- Which HTRBAG guy is for you?[published: May 07, 2012]
Have you ever read How To Rock Braces And Glasses? Let's just call it HTRBAG for short. This quiz……
- A random quiz for SP11![published: May 07, 2012, 1 comment]
- Journeys 2: The Mysterious House[published: May 05, 2012]
Heres part two! -requested and inspired by Firey_Soul- Please read this carefully. They……
- Chapter First: Cry while hoping[published: May 03, 2012]
Here's a new series I've made. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, tell me so I can make the next……
- I betcha.... I can guess your gender![published: Apr 27, 2012, 10 comments]
Lately, I've seen so many similar quizzes. Why should you take mine? Because my quiz has……
- Ten Stars with a side of comment, please![published: Apr 21, 2012, 5 comments]
I would really enjoy a ten star rating. And a comment. And thats why this quiz was……
- Do you know TobyMac's Portable Sounds?[published: Apr 20, 2012, 2 comments]
TobyMac recorded an album entitled Portable Sounds. I love it, and thats part of the……
- The color opposites test![published: Apr 19, 2012, 3 comments]
This is a quiz I have created to test you on color opposites and such. You can take it right now, if……
- 10,000? Will 10,000 people take this?[published: Apr 19, 2012, 14 comments]
The whole point of the making of this oddly random quiz is for it to br taken 10,000……
- Test your Pearlie knowledge![published: Apr 18, 2012, 1 comment]
Hey! Have you ever caught Pearlie on Qubo Channel? Well, if you have, please take this quiz to show……
- Which Jessie character are you?[published: Apr 18, 2012, 21 comments]
This "Which character are you?" quiz is about the characters of the family sitcom Jessie on……
- The Medieval Love Letters: Yours Unsincerly[published: Apr 18, 2012]
Welcome to the Medieval Love Letters series that I'm making. It revolves around……
- Which Shake iT Up character are you?[published: Apr 18, 2012]
Have you ever watched Shake iT up on Disney channel? Its a great show with many great……
- Are you Queen Bee?[published: Apr 17, 2012, 3 comments]
Well, do you need to prove that you are Queen Bee material? Great, because this is a quiz where you can do……
- Journeys: Venturing Out[published: Apr 16, 2012, 2 comments]
Please read this carefully. They are your instructions for the adventure you are soon to embark on. You……
- TSL Quiz: Fearless[published: Apr 15, 2012, 1 comment]
TSL stands for Taylor Swift Lyrics. And thats what this quiz is all about. ……
- Do you know your office supplies?[published: Apr 14, 2012, 1 comment]
I'm sure there are other quizzes like this out there- but please see the light in this one and……
- The Quest: Round Two-The Forest[published: Apr 13, 2012]
Welcome to the third episode/part of my series entitled "The Quest". In this round, you will……
- The Quest: Round One-The Ship[published: Apr 07, 2012, 3 comments]
Welcome to my new series entitled, The Quest, where an ordinary school day turns into an……
- A. N. T. Farm: Olive Pop Quiz[published: Apr 04, 2012, 5 comments]
Howdy, partner! This is the third quiz in my A. N. T. Farm character quiz series! I have two more,……
- Delicate Love part 2[published: Apr 03, 2012]
Woo hoo! Woot woot! Woof woof! What am I jibber-jabbin' about, you ask? I can answer your question here and……
- Delicate Love Part 1[published: Apr 03, 2012, 3 comments]
This is part of a new series by thisismyquiz. (me!) This series is about a fairy princess named Lily and……
- Are you a tomboy?[published: Apr 02, 2012, 5 comments]
This is one of many quizzes I have made. I hope you like it. This quiz will tell you if you are a tomboy- or……
- A. N. T. Farm: Lexi Pop Quiz[published: Mar 31, 2012, 8 comments]
Welcome to paragraph one of A. N. T. Farm: Lexi Pop Quiz. Did you know that this is actually the……
- A. N. T. Farm: Chyna Pop Quiz[published: Mar 30, 2012, 5 comments]
This is the first in a series I'm making about the characters in A. N. T. Farm.This particular one……
- Do you know your sixth grade english?[published: Mar 27, 2012, 8 comments]
Welcome to my "Do you know your sixth grade english?" quiz! It will test you on material……
- Do you use too many "junk words"?[published: Mar 26, 2012, 6 comments]
This is a quiz about the way you talk. Do you say "like" 1,000 times a day? Are you worried……
- Are you a highly attractive girl?[published: Mar 24, 2012, 70 comments]
NOTE: This is a quiz meant only for girls. If boys take it, they will have a hard time……
- Do you know him well?[published: Mar 17, 2012, 1 comment]
Is there this guy you are crushing on, and you want to find out how much you really know about him? Are……
- Are you smarter than a third grader?[published: Mar 12, 2012, 3 comments]
Hey, you! Yeah you! This is the ultamite are you smarter than a third grader test! Have fun……
- Is he a gentleman?[published: Mar 12, 2012, 1 comment]
Have a crush on some guy and want to know if he's the gentleman type? Wanna find out how beastly your brother……
- Brontwood Middle #1: First Impressions[published: Mar 11, 2012, 3 comments]
This quiz is actually the first episode of my new series entitled Brontwood Middle. Heres……
- The Princess and the Pea brain pop quiz(Jessie)[published: Mar 10, 2012, 2 comments]
Have you ever watched the sitcome Jessie on Disney Channel? You should, beacause……
- How cute are you(guys)?[published: Mar 10, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey, guys! (And by guys, I really mean guys- that's who this quiz was made for!) this is my cuteness……
- Name that PBS Kids character![published: Mar 08, 2012]
This quiz features characters from the quality childrens television station PBS Kids. You can try……
- Guess the Disney channel theme song[published: Mar 08, 2012, 14 comments]
Ah, Disney Channel. Great TV Shows. This quiz is about the theme songs Of Disney Channel. It……
- Which A.N.T. Farm character are you?[published: Mar 08, 2012, 10 comments]
This is a quiz featuring the cool characters of the TV Show A.N.T. Farm. You can find out……
- How Well Do You Know Dork Diaries #2?[published: Mar 08, 2012, 6 comments]
This is a quiz. A quiz about the second book in the Dork Diaries series. It will test you……
- Are you loyal to your friends?[published: Mar 07, 2012, 5 comments]
Think you're pretty loyal? Not sure? Just wanna take the quiz? You've come to the right quiz.……
- How much do you remember from Dork Diaries Book #1?[published: Mar 07, 2012, 8 comments]
Have you read the awesome book series dork diaries? Its great!!! (My……
- Which dork diaries character are you most like?[published: Mar 06, 2012, 20 comments]
There are many great book series with many great characters. Unforgettable,……
thisismyquiz's Recent Posts
"Carrot: yeah:( I'm glad you're here still though... Darn, gotta go"
"This is a really dumb argument. But I'll add My opinion anyway: Cheereaders don't have to be pretty(though ofte"
"Oh my gosh hi Carrot! I thought all the old(ish) people left! Hi!!"
"@moyashi: well, it's falling apart for me right now @a: :) LOL superhero speech"
"@silverbluemoon...I dunno, they"
"it makes me sad. I know there are a lot of threads like this already, but it's's just not the same, and so everyone's leaving, and..."
"*sneaks up on Audree* boo! Hey! I thought you were gone...."
"That all the old users are BF and GF with eachother, the annoying newbs hook up, and the "middling users" hardly ever date on here?..."
"I wear my towel like a man-Not saying who wrote it"
"This is true. And sad. And you're a very convincing writer :D"
"I dare you to go on the politics forum and make a thread called WHO WANTS SQUIGGLE PIE and you have to write two paragraphs about dead fish ..."
thisismyquiz's Recent Quiz Comments
"awesomes!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! thankies sooooo much! and sorry for the delay on the next part :[[[[[[[[[[
anyw ays thanks so much…"
1 -
" Got 50% and I was just guessing except for one question...."
1 -
"Some were the height of hilarium, others were, well, dumb.
Nice, though."
1 -
"Aladin, apparantely. Nice quiz.
^^ I know I spelled that wrong LOL"1 -
"I clicked on this quiz expecting the typical quiz based on hair color, weight, etc. Instead, I got this wonderful reminder that everyone…"
2 -
1 -
"Thanks guys. :]"
1 -
"Yes! Finally! I am
So happy this is out, I'm in love
With this series!
Bookworm and Calypso, YOU ROCK MY SOCKS
This was.…"1 -
"I'ma gorgeous"
1 -
"You really outdid yourself, this was sooo cool! I was very impressed, this story looks interesting! Can't wait for part 2!"