hey guys!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: hey guys!
Home gurl NoviceKiki u drunk...
i just want to know tl.
a lil bit hg.
claire! ima lil drunk!
Home gurl NoviceROCKSTAR!!!!!!!! *tackles*
im leaving this thread goodbye
Home gurl NoviceBye cg
bye crzygirl.
hi homes! hi kiki! bye cg!
wassup homes? hows school >xD
hi kiki, dont get dirty minded, ok?
dirty mind+drunk= bad -
Home gurl NoviceKiki me want more vodka
Home gurl NoviceNm school wel.. Boring
i want drunk!!! *grabs pole*
Home gurl Novice*starts dancin like a fool*
*does tricks but takes off NO clothes*
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