- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: I CAN'T FALL ASLEEP!!!!!
glitterchick97 NoviceI have 2 get up early tomorrow but I can't sleep:( it's probably cuz I'm still on my iTouch:P
GLITZ! xD *hug tackles* Long time no see! But I gtg :(
No! takos!
glitterchick97 NoviceAww:( nice 2 c u though ttyl
glitterchick97 NoviceHi madid:) Idk I we've met I'm glitter:D u can call me glitz
I think Ive talked to you once or twice. Call me madi
glitterchick97 NoviceOh yeah I remember u:) it's been a while since ive been on here cuz my stupid wifi kept messing up>:( oh well good 2 be back:)
Do you like Shane Dawson?
glitterchick97 Noviceo.O who's that?
Very famous Youtuber
glitterchick97 NoviceOh ive never heard of him what does he do?
Spoofs. Funny Spoofs. Very funny spoofs. If you are kinda dirty minded.
glitterchick97 NoviceI'm not dirty minded :/
Then you probably wont like him. Look up Greased TWILIGHTNING
glitterchick97 NoviceI'll do it l8r I'm 2 lazy rigt now:)
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