Your personal quotes
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: Your personal quotes
"Safety in numbers is comfort in conformity."
"Life sucks, so smile through the pain."
"Pain and fear are always the best teachers."
"If a person lives their life for the betterment of man kind they will go unthanked and unrewarded. But if someone dedicates their existance to the pain and agony of others they will echo through the centuries. Infamy is always more rewarded than obedience."
"Death is the last enemy that you have to conquer."
"If you talk to god it's religion. If god talks to you, it's insanity."
"I used to believe in god, until I got too old for imaginary friends."
"Love is like life. You can give it, and you can take it, but until you find the type that suits you best, you'll always be trying to change it."
"I am human, I have cried."
"The greatest lesson in life is to learn to laugh at yourself." -
"The pain makes you stronger, so hang in there and don't let go." -
"They say you are loved by your qualities, and liked for your defects. I love you for who you are, and I love you more for your defects, no matter what you've done to me"
i jacked the first sentence from a movie and the rest is mine xD -
._. I have a lot more. But here's some that I saved a long time ago.
"One cannot live without the memories of yesterday and the interest of tomorrow."
"Time heals all wounds, no matter how deep. But it will not heal all traces. A scar will always be left behind as a reminder to never forget."
"It's always the last place you look. Well, god freaking damn it, why would I want to look after I found it!? Yeah. Ponder that and then get back to me."
"If Light is a light, let's turn him on."
"If Mello is a marshmellow, we want S'MORE of Mello."
"If you're reading this, it means you're NOT an illiterate."
"What goes around comes around. So in 25 years, when a pie hits YOU in the face, don't forget to remember me."
"You just got L-ed."
"Oh my god. It's a llama! A POOFY llama! I'm gonna hug it!"
"You cause me pain, I cause you pain. It just never ends. But if I killed you... Would you kill me?"
"Death is an illusion. Even though you've left us, you still live on in our hearts."
“Brace yourselves, for this is yet the beginning of a world of destruction and despair.â€
“Don't enjoy the lapse of time for long. The worst is yet to come.â€
“See that sunset out yonder, amidst the vast seas? That, my friend, is the world I once lived in. It is nothing like the vast world we live in now... A world we call Hell.â€
“As I look up at the twinkling night sky, I see you, me, and a boat-load of pudding, travelling the world in search of adventure...and more pudding, since there's only one more cup left.â€
“Fear is an illusion. You must look past it, and find the true meaning of it all. For it usually leads towards greater things.â€
“I'll be here for you. When the sun falls behind us, and when it rises once again. But one night I will disappear, and will forever be forgotten. When I am gone, forget me, for I am such a burden in your already tragic life. But you must know, I will not forget you. In the midst of the afterlife, I will dream of you. But oh, I will be forever gone. Do not waste your time forever mourning.â€
“Now it’s up to you. Go, go save this world at war young warriors! Show no mercy! For when the lights win, that will be a great block in our line of history! Save our world from the dark ones, and May I present you all with a portion of my powers. Use them wisely, dear guardians, for magic is not a toy to be fooled with.â€
“When the sun sets behind the willow trees, the world is engulfed in darkness. This is a result of an ongoing war- good against evil-, my dear. The whole world of life depends on the light rising once again, after the darkness becomes weaker. When the world becomes light again, I fear the darkness still lives among us, seeping through the cracks, getting ready for its turn at revenge.â€
“Looking back on my past lives, I realize I have not fulfilled all of my purposes, but I have missed a huge piece of what it feels like to be human. I vow to someday fulfill that purpose, the purpose of which I was created. To become a narwhal, swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion. And yes, it will all be because I am so very awesome.â€
“When I think of you, I think of a school of thousands of fish, swimming this way and that, never out of line, always in synch. And never does any one fish stray from the school. It is like a packed can of a billion jumbo-sized sardines, only living and as random as ever… Do not ask me why I think of this when I think of you. Because I honestly don’t know either.â€
“Thoughts are endless, and so is time. Someday our sun may blow us all to tiny bite-sized smithereens, but time will still keep ticking. Our planet may be destroyed, the only life in the universe gone without a trace. But time, my dear, will still move forward. Second by second, time is wasted. One day, maybe in the near future, we will become no more. Why are we wasting our lives? Go out and do something useful, for when you become no more, and this world ceases to exist, your spirit will be able to look back and say “I truly made a difference. I changed the world. I’ve left my mark, and that is all that matters.†Now go on, young and old ones. Make the best of your life. Live like today is your last day. If tomorrow was today, say goodbye to yesterday. Hold on to your memories, but let your life roll out in front of you, so many doors of opportunity, and every possibility endless.â€
“Evil and good are battling inside of you. You are being torn apart. Which do you choose? Do you have a choice? Why is this happening? Will I live through this? Instead of asking questions, find answers. Really think, analyze and process everything. In the end, follow your heart and let your fate fold out in front of you. Do not lose yourself. Hold on to your soul tightly, and grip the grass. You may slip away, any moment now. Follow your heart, for that will determine if you are enriched with light or swallowed in darkness.â€
“A good story never ends. The author may state THE END or FIN, but there is no true end. You still have dreams of what might happen next, and you are very eager to take another bite out of this juicy, fully ripened, delicious apple. My friend, why wait for the creator to continue? You could be wasting all of you precious time! Instead, come to your senses. What to do? What to do? Become one with yourself, the characters, the plot. And let your imagination shine.â€
“Questions are not answers. Answers are not questions. So why on earth would Jeopardy even dare to flip things around by asking the contestants the answer and the contestants answering with the question? This is unheard of! There should be great consequences for this! I say we throw them into the pit of rattlesnakes to show them how messing with things bigger than them can really bite back.â€
“Ah, whimsical quotes contain so much wisdom. Hidden under the wisdom, humor jumps out at you. You can think it meaningless, but each has its own specific purpose and meaning. But only a true master of wisdom can decipher them. As you try to crack the codes of wisdom, note the structure of every sentence, the use of every word. Attention to detail will aid you throughout your life; not just once.â€
“You wouldn’t understand. No one would. Even I don’t.â€
“Holy f---ing s---, a squirrel just screamed in my face.â€
“Don’t ask me. Do I look like your mother? Wait… Don’t answer that.†-
"OMG its a aquirrel!!!! Can i go pet it?!?!"
From my sis
Me: has a broken and bloody foot
Sis: "THAT LOOKS TERRIBLE, can i touch it
''We all walk on our own path's. All of our path's are unique. We never leave our path. We only make turns. We will meet other people and sometimes share a path with them. But in the end we are by ourselves as we recieve enternal light or eternal darkness when our path ends.''
''Love is like stain glass. There are many different colors in it. Love is what we stribe to be and some of us fail and don't get a part in love. Love is good.''
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