Between Heaven and Earth
Thread Topic: Between Heaven and Earth
I feel like I want to draw, but I don't know what to draw.
I feel like Wyvren is also here.
I want to make sure we take a shower, but Wyvren hates water.
Can't we compromise?
My tooth is hurting because it's smashed together with another tooth. I really need braces, but I can't afford that.
If I sketches Shadow the Hedgehog, how would I be able to do that properly with the black pencil? How would I properly do the shading and lighting so that it shows up?
I'm struggling here.
Never mind. I don't want to draw.
I will go shower though. I honestly don't give a s--- about what's going on with that anymore.
Shower didn't take too long.
I feel like this is another thread that needs to be deleted. So close yet so far away.
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