The Midnight Club
Thread Topic: The Midnight Club
9 minutes
Beep boop
Nostalgia finds a way to creep inside my thoughts
So, I finally got some of the pictures from where I worked at the animal clinic to upload, so I am going to post them here!!!!!!
With info ofc!!!
This is Chubbs. Chubbs is a Pitt-Bull who is absolutely phenomenal. Unfortunately the clinic I worked at was not great, and they gave Chubb's owners two options, because he had a really bad laceration on his leg. They told him to put him down, or to surrender him to the clinic. They surrendered him, and eventually he found a new home. He was such a beautiful dog, and so full of energy!
Side Note: I have a video on my phone somewhere of him jumping through an open window at the clinic one day when wwere tossing that ball
This is Bluebell. The clinic I worked at also doubled as a boarding facility (which made my job hard sometimes). Bluebell was one of the puppies that happened to be boarding during my weekend. She was nervous, but she warmed right up to you. I only got to see her twice. She always came in for appointments on my days off.
This is Krustee (now Rusty). When I started working at the clinic, she was what we called a "clinic dog". Any dog/cat that had to be surrendered, because their owners couldn't afford care would become a clinic dog/cat. Krustee had that name because when she was surrendered, she had a really bad skin condition and didn't have any fur. When I started working, it was half and half. By the time she got adopted, all of her fur had grown in. Plus, look at those ears 😭❤
There's a lot more but my phone is being wonky
I have so many stories from the clinic. Happy, sad, frustrating.
I would have still been there too, but I am glad I am gone. It made me realize I want to do better for people and their pets.
I should spill the beans on that place, but I love the actual veterinarians there
I also can't report them to the BBB, because it would be seen as retaliation since I got fired from there
Which is interesting because that is the only job I have ever gotten fired from -
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