Death At Your Fingertips
Thread Topic: Death At Your Fingertips
All he did was give a suggestion to keep the channels organized.
Are we or aren't we going to be organized. We made a bunch of topic channels for specific things and now you're saying people can do whatever the f--- they want. What's the point of those channels if we're not supposed to suggest them when someone puts something in an odd place?
All of you are indecisive idiots who gang up on someone with a different opinion.
f---ing stupid.
I used to feel sick when I looked at the cover of "Let Me Die". Now it's relatable.
I hate people.
And in the end, the problem was solved, yet nobody even apologizes for attacking me.
Just like them to do that.
I don't know if it's bipolar or just that I f---ing hate people
I want them all to...
I have no sympathy for them.
Interacting with them was clearly a mistake.
They could die for all I care.
I'm hungry and my head hurts.
We're making our own food tonight. Good thing i bought that ramen.
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