Death At Your Fingertips
Thread Topic: Death At Your Fingertips
I've already done some research, and the safest method is the gel. It decreases the risk of cancer since it goes directly into the bloodstream through skin.
I just need to make an appointment next week with my doctor.
I don't mean to intrude, but I wanted to let you know if you feel estrogen will help with your body dysmorphia, do it.
At the end of the day, as long as you are happy that's all that matters ❤ -
Thank you 🖤
Things we don't talk about happened at work today.
Then I had to leave. I didn't want to talk about it to my parents, so I didn't say anything as to why I left. Nobody needs to know that part.
I didn't even remember that I could've listened to music...
Why are you mocking me?
I just want to forget I exist right now.
Aha. I'm broken.
Why are my earbuds still charging?
I think I'm somewhat better now. Maybe.
I forgot to add in my intro my pronouns are it/its...
A headache...
I guess i should enter myself i to the journal...
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