Bruh I just lost the game
Thread Topic: Bruh I just lost the game
This loser just lost the game! Everybody laugh! -
What game
You lose the game if you think about the game itself, and if you think about the game you gotta announce that u lost to get others to lose or join for those unaware of it
I’m confused my brain just stopped working😭
You were winning because you haven’t heard of it which meant you didn’t think about it, but you lost now that you know about it
But you’ll be winning again when you forget about it, until you randomly remember it again , then you lose, then it repeats -
Damn, I wanted to see anger, wasn’t expecting confusion 😞
Dang I haven’t lost the game in forever and then I see this thread
first Game loss of this year. i can't believ ethis just happened to me. bumping so others can also lose The Game
God damn it
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