The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
she was too pretty.
I'm tired
globbal news: lets make a big deal out of hello kitty not being a cat.
I've never been able to have anyone relate to me when I got 5 different shots in my arms and legs and they didn't even bother explaining to me what was going on, my arms and legs were in so much pain
haaaaa medical and dental trauma
oh and religous
and just......
...trauma in genuine
I'm kind of glad I had sucky parents because even though I have bad thoughts I'm genuinely a better person and humbler
"I'm humble" I say as I brag about being a good person
hamburgers casually being called hamburgers even though they're made of beef
guys I can relate to haminations so much my eyes are the same way (remove the spaces) https :// =Su78UF9HRMXhWYA1
I don't like Disney adults.
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