The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
ah nvm then
if your trying to defuse a bomb and there's three wires you have to cut, one of the wires is the correct and the other two will explode the bomb. say you try to cut the yellow wire. Before you can cut it, the manufacturer informs you that the red wire is one that is wrong, so you figure to cut the yellow wire still, since it's a fifty fifty chance. But that's actually not how it works, every wire has a two thirds chance and since you chose yellow, the chances of red and blue are combined. Since the chance of the blue wire being right is two thirds, so you'd be better off with the blue wire.
I don't like new film theory it was better with matpatt
I feel like 7th grade me was a butthole.
"that's so cute, I think I'm going to die"
pls pls pls pls don't come to school today.
I love the lore to the reboot of duck tales like that show helped me construct my half constructed oc from 3rd grade that I still have and use.
like she went from edgy and boring to fun and nice and her character Is literally based of a Roblox rp I was in in 3rd grade and DELLA DUCK
why is scrooge mcduck 3 feet tall lmfao
my mom be coplaining clothes are expensive I have to remind her in 1900 a single dress was equivalent to 592 dollars today
scrooge casually being like 10 when he immigrated to america in the 1930s and is still alive and somehow had adventures as a full grown adullt in 1848-1855
I love vintage.
well I mean old.
the cool thing about my state being behind in the times is that you can find things from pioneer times like farms and caved in roofs of houses. cool old structures like there's one by my house and main street even its really cool.
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