The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
Residents and visitors are required under state law to use bathrooms and changing rooms in government-owned buildings that correspond with their sex assigned at birth. Although the law took effect when Republican Gov. Spencer Cox signed it Jan. 30, it was not widely enforced before a key compliance mechanism began this week. Schools and government agencies now face steep fines of up to $10,000 per day for each violation.
Utah state Rep. Kera Birkeland, a Morgan Republican and the bill’s primary sponsor, has argued it’s a necessary safeguard against people who might claim they’re transgender to infiltrate a gendered space. She pitched the law as a safety measure to protect the privacy of women and girls without citing evidence of threats or assaults by trans people against them. Trans residents say she has used a hypothetical to justify exclusion.
so... just like make gender neutral bathrooms bro -
oh crap I just found out tmrw their going to give us speech's and lectures Abt it-
my district isnt on there but my friend told e.
alr well when it happens I'ma straight up come out and speak out and I can get made fun of I don't rlly care-
anyways apparently we aren't talking about it.
if my man/woman wanted to look through my phone i'd let them.
they'd just find nothing.
fuunnn I don't like it.
I want to help them and hug them. I like kids. like, caring for kids and stuffs, its not creepy.
I want someone to play with my hair.
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