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I’d say getting a PC is only worth it if you truly want to play your games over 60fps, and if you have friends who have one also
Playing cod in console is for sure so much easier and it’s because of the aim assist. I get clapped on PC because you gotta aim for real for real, and uh we know what a majority of “pc master race” people are: 🤓
I’m slightly jk. Not all pc players but the ones who be saying “pc master race” like stfu it don’t matter what system you use to play
1K+ plus spent years ago on this pc just for me to play a mobile gacha on it LMAO
16.75 to flip burgers is crazy
f---ing hate AirPods they don’t fit my ears at all good thing I never spent money on them
no whatt i love mine
Either it’s the AirPods or my ears
no i agree tho they hurt my ears if i have them in for too long
That’s why I’m over ear headphones gang 👍
I’ve had s--- luck in both festival banners
real, over ear headphones are pretty superior, but sometimes those hurt my ears- especially since i have glasses, the headphones press the arms against my head and ears and it hurts
“New year, same s---” bro stfu it’ll be the same s--- thinking that way
16 days left already holy s---
Hate games that you can get on steam but require a whole ass separate launcher to run. Now I gotta remember my Ubisoft account
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