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Thread Topic: No Subject
WASD and the space bar specifically are nonexistent on my keyboard
Wow, sounds like my keyboard is pampered
Unlike my mouse, everytime I play fps games where you aim it un ADS on its own even when I’m holding right click, I gotta get a new one but I don’t like spending money >:( -
Been in the mood in brewing plots and OCs, but my homie who is the veteran at this stuff isn’t around much anymore to do this together with :((((
I love them lots
Maybe if I write down my ideas somewhere it’ll be easier to manage what I want to do
Playing BF1 after not playing it for a long while. I’m ass at it but I still have fun because of how beautiful the game is still in 2024
Got better at it rn when I stopped playing it like cod lol
Started thinking I was nearly done grinding but found out I gotta build like 5+ characters ☹
Sonic 3 is fire
Keep loosing track of time
Not excited for spring semester to start bc of how hard the classes I’m taking will be, but I also want to come back so I can start working again and not be broke
Can’t wait for tomorrow
Idk if this is just me being lazy but adding attachments to your class in bo6 feels so clunky and slow and it makes me not want to do it and just raw dog the guns
On ps5 btw not on ps4 if you’re thinking that bc I said it’s slow
I prefer to play shooters on PC but honestly consoles have the upper hand these days. It was cheaper for me to get a PS5 than upgrading my pc lmao. Plus these days games are terribly optimized for PC. I dust my PC once a month to keep it clean and my PS5 is DEAD silent. It’s honestly so scary, but I love it, not a jet like the ps4
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