Angel Stagnating
Thread Topic: Angel Stagnating
Every time I write something, I can hear Ren's voice saying "I'll just add this." ðŸ˜
My brain is videogame trash.
Nothing i do is without a game reference of some sort. -
If I get sleepy, I hear Morgana saying to get some rest. If I wake up, I hear Alear's friends waking him up. If I eat lunch, I think of Snake eating rations or asking how does it taste.
I think I'm weird, but that's okay.
I've gotten back into writing, but I too shy to share. Maybe one day.
I was really busy today. I feel so tired now.
And I still have work tomorrow, so that sucks.
Haven't been feeling my bestest, but hopefully the meds will help quickly. I need some good sleep tonight.
I'm glad I'm was able to notice something was wrong before it got too bad though.
Oh god. I'm not even the one and I feel anxious myself.
So, I want to look over my Amazon list because I have a lot of things on it. I'm angry the Hatsune Miku ramen bowls are all gone, though.
I need to add more to my list though lol
I add at least one thing a day because I want to buy something, but when I can't, I window shopping instead.
I want a cool ramen bowl so bad, though. I don't want the Kirby ones. I wish I could get a custom one.
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