Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
(C o f f e e we love) nooo
(ikrrrr normally the coffee isn't great but stillll) Yesssss
(I mean fair lmao)
Sometimes I wish that I could wear an animal mask like those cool therian masks without being called a furry/therian
Cause those masks are so badass I wanna make one so bad but I’m not a furry or a therian and 1) I don’t wanna get harassed for being one and 2) is that some kind of cultural appropriation idk
I’m not therian/furryphobic btw y’all are so cool -
To me it has the same vibe as a cis woman wearing a binder like oh ok you do you. The masks are so badass I agree
Clowns. Totally -
I mean fair enough lol. They areee
I’m surprised jesters isn’t winning I love jesters -
They're so cool I have friends who make some for commision and o h m y g o d they're so pretty and cool
Jesters are cool but clowns are clowns -
I wanna make one so baddddd they’re so slay
I mean fair enough lmfao I think jesters are more likely to be evil or like they def have some trauma and s--- but clowns are just goofy guys yk -
ikr they're so cooool
fair enough lol -
Idk why people are scared of clowns they’re beautiful -
they're terrifying that's why they're better-
Help whatever you say man-
I like the versatility of clowns like they can be “cute little guys :3” or “dark bloody etc”
I wanna go to a ren faire as a jester at some point tho thatd be fun -
C l o w n
J e s t e r
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