Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
As a verified Queenslander how is the qld accent different from the normal Australian accent-
It’s always petrol why do you guys call it “gas” you’re not putting air into your car you’re putting fossil fuels (LIQUIDS) into your car -
The English language is so stoopid good lord
ok I agree gas is stupid but petrol is weird too- I vote we all just call it fuel
But then we’ll have to call it fuel stations ;-; petrol sounds like we’re not absolutely destroying the planet
but it's fossil FUELS
petrol sounds way worse lmao -
No it doesnttttt it sounds like you’ll be able to beg your parents for one of those servo ice creamssss
Wtf are you going on aboutttt
Did you not have a childhooooood
I'm so confuseddd what does petrol have to do with ice cream T_T
There’s a mini shop at petrol stations so when you have to go with your parents to get petrol they’re too tired to say no to ice cream
bro gas stations here just have slushie stands lmao
Servos have the best snacks that’s so sad
I mean we have snacks (some stations are a whole ass supermarket inside, like you'll go into a small gas station and get your food for the month xD) just not ice cream-
(They just have junk food here lmao) not sigma-
(and some of them have pretzelssss and the really good soda machines with the flavorings in them and coffee-) very sigma
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