A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Thread Topic: A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
you're not even in fracnce
the craving for pizza is real rn
"Are you stupid or something?"
"oh yeah." -
Alchoholic by the age of nine got me tho
What the...
friendly reminder to not wear fake branded makeup. its extremely damaging, I shouldn't have put that concealer on my face. it was obviously paint.
my report card for a project that was supossed to be a group project. I only worked on it though,
Game Board Group Project Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
10 pts
Full Marks
The rules were neatly written, easy to understand. Our group had no problem understanding the rules and beginning the game.
8 pts
Partial Marks
The rules were neatly written and easy to understand. However, we had a question or two on the playing of the game based on the written rules.
6 pts
Partial Marks
When first reading the rules they were unclear in parts and difficult to understand. They were written out neat though and with a little bit of discussion we were able to figure the game out.
4 pts
Partial Marks
The rules were not written out neat, it was hard to read. The rules made sense in some parts, but overall, they were hard to understand. We spent more than 5 minutes reading and understanding the rules.
2 pts
Low Marks
The rules made little or no sense. We could not figure out how the game was even to be played based on the rules. It was extremely difficult to even start the game because of the rules.
0 pts
No Marks
There were no rules anywhere to be found on or near the game.
8 / 10 pts
The Game Board
10 pts
Full Marks
The Game board was neat and colorful. It is obvious that this group put a lot of work into preparing the Game board. The setup of the Game board is consistent with the rules.
8 pts
Partial Marks
The Game board was good but it was a little sloppy and /or colorless. It does go with the rules and is easy to follow and figure out the goal of the game.
6 pts
Partial Marks
The board is a little sloppy. It’s obvious that the group hurried at times in order to get it done. However, it is consistent with the rules and not too hard to figure out how to play.
4 pts
Partial Marks
The board is complete, but rather sloppy. Using the board and looking at the rules, it is still difficult how to figure out the game.
2 pts
Low Marks
The board is a disaster. It is messy and complicated, even with the rules. The group did not do a good job and it’s clear that they wasted most of the time in class.
0 pts
No Marks
There was no game board made.
10 / 10 pts
Playability and Enjoyment
10 pts
Full Marks
This game was fun and creative. We had no trouble understanding the game and then playing it. It is obvious that this group worked well together.
8 pts
Partial Marks
This group did a good job of making this game fun. There were only one or two things that came up while playing the game that were confusing.
6 pts
Partial Marks
The game was somewhat enjoyable. There were a few spots that got confusing. Overall though, the group did a good job of setting up this game.
4 pts
Partial Marks
This game was not that enjoyable. We understood the concept but it was too confusing to be fun. It could be a good game with a few minor adjustments.
2 pts
Low Marks
This game stunk. It was to hard to figure out, let alone play. The questions were too hard and the game was not fun at all. This game needs a lot of work even to be just a little fun.
0 pts
No Marks
There was no game for us to play.
8 / 10 pts
Game Questions
10 pts
Full Marks
The questions were neat and easy to read. None of the questions were too difficult; some were challenging, but fair. There were plenty of questions to finish the game. (Even though we didn’t finish). The answers were also easy to find.
8 pts
Partial Marks
The questions were written neatly and easy to read. Only a couple of the questions were too difficult; most were fair. There were enough questions to finish the game. Answers easy to find.
6 pts
Partial Marks
Most of the questions were easy to read and understand, along with being neat. However, quite a few questions were ridiculously difficult, not fair at all. We don’t think you could finish the game without repeating a few of the questions already used.
4 pts
Partial Marks
The questions were sloppy and some were hard to even understand what was being asked. Most of the questions were too difficult. You would have to definitely ask the same questions again in order to even finish the game. Answers were a little hard to find and understand.
2 pts
Low Marks
The questions stunk. They were hard to read and way too difficult to even make game possible. There were not enough questions to finish the game or to even come close. Game was too difficult for the average person to play. Answers were hard to find and/or did not make sense.
0 pts
No Marks
There were no questions anywhere to be found on or near the game.
8 / 10 pts
Team Member Evaluation
10 pts
Full Marks
My teammates felt that I fully participated and contributed to our board game.
7 pts
Partial Marks
You somewhat participated, but missed some of the work time.
5 pts
Partial Marks
My teammates felt like I somewhat participated, but they did have to pick up some of my slack.
0 pts
No Marks
My teammates felt like I didn't participate at all and they did the whole project without my help.
I colored the board, made the questions. I made a few impossible on purpose. -
oh deathboy_fangirl its from a movie I was watching.
its so funny when pjo kids and Harry Potter kids interact. same with tadc kids an murder drones kids.
idk what to watch
Who would win? Percy Jackson or Harry Potter or Uzi and why?
Percy Jackson 100%
He beat the god of wars patooie at age 12 there's no chance he wouldn't take Harry Potter down lmao -
idk Uzi has literal levitation, and can create and destroy stuff out of no where. and the murder drones
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