A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Thread Topic: A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Well maybe more because I love jesper
nah chat we good
I love jesper ahahahahhahaa
I was so sick of liking someone as toxic as he is that I've finally broke and I actually hate him. he always belittles me, makes fun of me, makes me feel bad, treats me like s--- and treats me in a way (and says things) that I've told him before to stop because they make me really uncomfortable. I always show him people I like and he makes fun of me and dunks on me for it and I call the ONE person he likes UNATTRACTIVE and bros over here trying to BEAT THE GOD DAMN s--- OUT OF ME. thankfully brin was there and stop him. but I wasn't even scared, in fact I was just waiting for him to hurt me, I didn't even care, and that's scary to me. now he feels really guilty and I'm sick of letting him use get out of jail free cards and I'm getting really mad and avoiding him for all the things he's done because telling me over and over that I'm a f@gg0t and I like p-----y isn't even funny, especially when I tell him to stop. like I am actually low-key about to relapse because he said I was uglier then that god damn filter girl and I looked like a chipmunk, chipmunks are fat, so I am too. thanks for that image after I worked on it for months. oh and not even to mention the HYPOCRITE HE IS. f---, he's so good at making people hate him. I'll tell you that for free. God damn kid is so horrible he should actually be in juvie instead of school, AND the s3x 0ff3nd3rs list. HES THAT BAD. HOW DID I EVEN f---ING LIKE HIM?!
anyways, I'm going to make a email twice as long as that to send to him because I'm so f---ing unhappy its not even funny.
gangle got scary
wait but it actually drives me insane when I cant understand margu
GUYS i know my fvorite regular song and movie shouldnt be christmas but KLAUS and THE GODDAMN SOUND TRACK-
I wish someone understood my hhyperfixations-
I kind of don't want to go to the winter dance, after almost getting murdered by a friend and all-
my leg hurts and I'm developing a crush on someone who looks like a Sevie..
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