A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Thread Topic: A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
I'm obviously the youngest one on the forums. not to young to be underage, keep that in mind.
but I don't have to worry about work, or finances or rent, just grades... for now...
these snotty kids complaining about a b BE GRATEFUL YOU CAN EVEN GET A GRADE
I wish we were watching Klaus instead because its 1000000000 times better then arthur christmas
what the hell is this movie
the voice acting and animation sucks
one thousand
yippeeeee I did it ahahahahahahahah -
I'm leaving school soon...
well in like an hour, before 1:30 is all I know.
reindeer are some of my favorite animals if I'm being honest.
how does someone LOSE a reindeer?
why did bro just ask where the bakery was in french
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