Tweaking Corner
Thread Topic: Tweaking Corner
Kinemaster! i didnt know it was a platform i always thought it was just an editing app
omg I used to be on KineMaster I created anto that's like everywhere idek why-
why am I so dumb I just read last page ignore me
i luv toro
also also theres sm rad transfer students who r visiting my school n its so coolio :D
dude I can't fill out a course request until I get accepted tho so by the time I turn it in all the good classes will get taken already-
they just handed me a packet with 8 boxes on the back and said "choose classes from here"
im back from the dead yo
had to change my pfp cus im obsessing over kei tsukishima once again…its going for a 5 year streak 🗣🙏
[color=chocolate*]meow tis a test…[/color]
hm. i still dont know how to use this…gimme a sec.
[color=red*]test 2?[/color] -
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