The weird and wacky things that go on inside my head
Thread Topic: The weird and wacky things that go on inside my head
Uhhh... It's currently 5:57 and I have not slept once.... Funny
imsoclueless Seniorsilly lol
Help, I almost fell asleep in 4th lesson... Also
20:46 cause I need the sleep -
I'm distracting myself again... Heh... Not doing good rn in the disphoria department... Heh... Gonna be a silly billy with two other silly billies in peggy forest
imsoclueless Seniorooh, fun :)
and dysphoria (is it body dysphoria?) sounds like it suck, i'm sorry ^^' -
Body disphoria... Legs and hands ... But mainly legs... Also voice.... But I'm fine now, I hung out with my friend Crys, who is questioning their identity
imsoclueless Seniorthat's good! i'm glad you're feeling better!
23:53 sleep time for me tonight cause I feel tired now.... Kinda
I have 4 cuts on my ankle now.... Uhhh... I did another one... Uhhh... f---... It's bleeding a bit, fren knows... But uhh, I did try to distract myself but when I came back... Yeah, I just did it -
imsoclueless Senioroh noes- it's okay, i'm sure you did your best to try n distract yourself!
we mess up, it's a human thing haha
it's okay, i totally understand that slip-ups happen ^^' -
22:11... I'm trying to not die from sleep deprivation again so ... Yeah...
Hehehe I'm dying mentally and humour is my coping mechanism, along with music and... Fruit ninja... Sometimes ...
imsoclueless Senioroof, i feel that-
you need someone to talk to? -
Somethimes... Oh. And I did two fruit ninjas today... Not good... My fren hopefully knows.... I told her so....
22:49 I need sleep -
00:49 :0 look, my favourite number, 49!
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