Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
imsoclueless SeniorAMEN BRUDDER, AMEN-
imsoclueless Seniorlmfaoooo
Not my cousin getting mad because every time I go to her house she can't tell if I'm a girl or a guy so she just gets frustrated because whenever she asks me and her sister just say I'm both and walk off xD
Kinda funny how people are more surprised when they find out I'm left handed than when they find out I'm gay/trans, like it's kinda obvious to tell the latter one
Also yes, I am cursed by the devil because I use my left hand to write, sO sUE mE -
Wait ur left handed-
Lmao yeah >:D
iM jUsT sPeciaL LiKe tHaT
Shut up ;-; I have green eyes which are for some reason supposed to be uncommon so I am aLsO sPeCiAl -
bro I love it tho because in sports it f---s people UP and it's hilarious
Lol. Oooo nice. I got gray eyes now, but depending on my outfit they can change to this really deep blue color lol -
Omg yes that would be such an advantage tho
Slay xD. Yeah well Iām dEpReSsEd :P -
Ikr I'm like a secret weapon (if I didn't suck at every sport except softball xD)
Lol yeah. AyyYyy sAmE -
Oo nice. I feel you man I suck at pretty much every sport except 1-minute light jogging :D
OmG tWiNnInGgG -
Yeah lol. Dude I can run fast but I have absolutely NO ENDURANCE xD
SLayYyyY -
Me neither xD Like I can run fast for like thirty seconds? Maybeeee?
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