You Cant Wake Up
- Locked due to inactivity on Jan 2, '24 3:54am
Thread Topic: You Cant Wake Up
parents got a new car, no idea why bc they already have 6 other cars 😭😭
not gon question it tho, ik my step dad had been wanting a new car
okokaokok im so close and so excited to get my school done
omgomogmogmogmogmog im so close wtf -
Omg good job 👏
scientific discovery
chairs r chairs -
Omg no 😱😱😱😱
rlly thought I was failing school for a millimin
hot take, safe grabs
I got caught up in everything in math
I've never been taught the proper division technique so I'm struggling quite a bit -
it's chill, there's some vids I could probs understand if I just find the right person to explain it to me
so sad so sad so sad
heartbreaking vid made me cry so much first time sobbed in 97 years not clickbait!!1 😭😭😥😥😥😥😥😥😥 -
someone watch this man's stream oml
when someone wants u to be a mathematician like them, but they can never stop ur musical vocation
*introducing the calculator* -
omg smth random???? do take
ily all, everyone here on gtq (: y'all are the definition of a family to me, rlly happy I got the chance to meet u, and rlly happy y'all influenced my life in a positive light
ngl if I hadn't met y'all, I'd probs still be the cringe ass toxic b I was in the beginning
nobody ever cared enough to show me my flaws or to sincerely give me time to think about myself and reflect until I actually came onto gtq
I appreciate u all, once again tysm -
each day I wake up knowing there are people like y'all who motivate and inspires others to hold onto this precious life we got
it's crazy how strangers can make you feel more like home than your own people. you've all made such big impacts all around, you all are so awesome like wtf
whoever's reading this, ily :) -
have an idea for a new oc
the idea was a dreamcore/oddcore/weirdcore oc that can only be viewed when in peripheral vision
if viewed in fixation, you can't see it
basically, the longer it's in peripheral vision and the longer you focus on it, its grows more and more unsettling
it has a tv head; by growing more and more unsettling, I mean its channels begin to grow more eerie by the minute
you would have to look closely to know what you were actually looking at (still in peripheral vision), but something about it isn't quite right
it's not the best I could think up, but I like the idea so far
still workshopping it -
m looking for an uncanny and unsettling go, as in it's warning you about something in it's reality but you're not sure what
I'd imagine something pretty non-humanoid
I'd be thinking more of an "ethereal" creature, sort of looking like it's "here" and "not here" at the same time
I want to make it to feel like it's on the edge of reality, sort of a fever dream go, except the fever dream is real
maybe sort of appearing distorted to fit the oddcore concept
it can only be viewed in peripheral vision, but if looked at directly, it's not there
it's making people question reality without actually making them question it
I thought the concept was a bit cool, but maybe later I'll think it sounds a bit ridiculous lolol -
I have an idea for one of the channels, or several
"if you lie among the flowers you will slowly sink into it"
"never enter a red forest or you will never go out again"
"if you can't sleep, don't force yourself to count sheep, because they will appear everywhere"
"always keep quiet when you hear the voices outside your window, no matter how much they’re beckoning you to come and play"
"don't trust exit signs"
"don't accept blue candy"
"don't go outside when the sky is green"
"trust the eyes, they help"
"if you see an empty street with no cars and no pedestrians, leave immediately"
"don't accept tea from strangers"
"don't look into mirrors or reflections after dark"
"don't ever enter any buildings with blue doors"
"if the reflection isn't yours, don't look away"
probs not all of it will be official for the oc, but it's a good start -
gurl I wanna have a convo with someone here lmfao
I should probs start reaching out to talk to some peeps
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