Zero Dark Thirty
Thread Topic: Zero Dark Thirty
I'm done. I'm done with everything. I want it to be over with.
I want to f---ing ***
Just tell me that you hate me and I'll get the resolve I've been waiting for.
Just tell me already! Stop lying to my face and lying about me behind my back and calling me out like I'm the bad guy when YOU have blood on your hands!
Why are you like this!? Why!? Tell me! -
I hate my life! I hate this curse! I never asked for any of this and I wish I was never born!
f--- you for ever thinking you needed a third child! You should've been happy enough with the two you always praise! -
hi !π
how have you been lately
But, still alive. -
i'm sorryπ
It's alright.
How are you? -
Well, that's good.
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