Were gonna have a good day
Thread Topic: Were gonna have a good day
Even though the guys literally think that the Asian girl is prettier, they will always choose the white girl
Frustrates me
“at least when im by myself and im alone, its just me, and no one’s trying to hurt me”
Trisha -
for some reason and i dont really know why exactly
i think its so fun to snap someone that you follow on instagram
because you know their face and their name but only in pictures that they choose to post
but when they snap you its like "omg no one else got this pic"(assuming they didnt mass snap) -
atp im not a girls girl im just treating all genders equally which means i hate both bc i can
i love the way it feels to be a hater -
getting unadded makes me wanna kms sorry
bc everytime its like i dont even think the guy is attractive it just sucks bc why
can i at least see their story i think getting unadded is extreme
this is why i dont wanna give people chances because i know im not gonna be mean to ppl but i never know who's gonna be rude and stuff to me
its fine ill just be hot but undatable it seems fun anyways
live my best life but never settle -
so be super hot basically but never date guys bc im too good anyways
planning the biggest glowup ever
trying to stay positive but i have school tomorrow 😭
notice how literally in the second week of school I hate everybody and I’m pissed off
School does that to me I swear I’m a nice person just rlly cranky rn
maybe it’s hormones -
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