Were gonna have a good day
Thread Topic: Were gonna have a good day
that’s just about enough time
for me to stop crying when I look at all the pictures -
nvm I forgot the lyrics I’ll do it later
Why would you cry?
because it’s Conan gray and I would cry if I saw him in person
I love friend forget what I said about her
ew why can’t I type
I meant I love my friend -
I love friend 🤓
I don’t really cry that much…..
I like crying I think it’s a good way to get out feelings
somebody petitioned to have a litter box in the bathroom
stop it
there is a tree right outside -
I’m gonna sing memories when I remember the lyrics
I want you to know that I never pronounce your username correctly in my head
I go
It sounds cool
i say hiding lies in my head so that’s fair I guess
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