The Boy from Nibelheim
Thread Topic: The Boy from Nibelheim
Time for my 5 f---ing hours of sleep.
I slept for almost 7 hours! -
It's a total ghost town, here.
Can I please have a kiss?
Guess that's a no.š
I want a love. -
You're so stupid -
You stupid, lonely creature. -
worthless piece of s---. -
Why am I always like this? -
I keep losing my š§µ
I feel that, technically, Sephiroth is a boy from Nibelheim as well. So the thread name could point to Cloud or Sephiroth.
My mind gets so distracted sometimes like a little kid. One minute, we're sad and the next minute we're making theories about fictional circumstances.
But, I think that's a healthy distraction to get consumed in something that refreshes you and makes you feel so childlike in your darkest hour.
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