The Boy from Nibelheim
Thread Topic: The Boy from Nibelheim
I just want to curl up in the floor.
I want to hold a cat when I'm sad, but I don't have a cat. I don't even have a plushie yet.
I don't know why I find different profiles to be so soothing when I use them.
Dead tired and still awake. We'll see how far five hours of sleep gets us today. My eyes are already burning from being open for so long, so that's pretty nice.
Gonna babysit tots...add that to my day's to-do list and throw everything else planned on the trash.
We'll see how that goes.
Good lordy.
Those kids are a handful.
Just goes to show I make a great babysitter, but I have no desire to have kids of my own. -
I have a time to rest with it being naptime and all. I kinda wanna take a nap, myself, but this house is a little messy, so there's nowhere for me to really rest.
Him: My mommy said I can have the remote.
Me: She also told 'stop lying.' -
They're giving me that loving headacheđź’”
Amen and amen.
I'm exhausted. I don't enjoy having kids around like that. Like, I don't hate children,'m Nota tiny human person.
I feel like I have a mercenary lifestyle.
I work alone, I have no true authority, I do what I do, and my services are for hire. -
Or maybe more of a bounty hunter.
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