The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
Guys, please don't chat in June's thread when she's not here.
*or kill*
June I ship you with Jacob EEEEEEEEE
That is my new account
*cuts face again* *laughs*
@Tat, ty Tat 💖
@Denis, Ayo, why you bringing cursed ships in here? 👁👄👁
@Danny, Ello :D
@Ami, oh s---. Those hormones must be terrible. -
What do you mean? This is the real me! *cuts wrists*
*takes knife away* No darling, no it isn't
Yes it is. *laughs* *takes knife back* *cuts arms*
Ami. Please stop. *starts to cry*
*laughs* *cuts throat* please save me......
*ties her w rope*
We did it yall -
*shifts* let me out!!!!!!!!!
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