The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Spice
A Guardian is second in strength to Lord Nix. Guardians created the Gods. Did you seriously forget about them *forgetting I forgot about them too* -
Do ya mean our Titans? Because I ain't never had a guardian -
Yeah. Guardian's in human form are protectors and when they die and go to Guardian Realm that's when they have all their full abilities.
But Lord Nix said they were Guardians- actually they may have been called Titans at one point- welp since when did I pay attention to history
I am a creature of pain and regrets, no Guardian can beat me
I- er- hate to break it to ya but uh- they made you-
Guardian's have the ability of all the god's since they created them.
Coolio :0
I have not been created, I existed out of pure spite to the Guardians
You have no power over me, Guardian Angel -
*trying to fight off laughter but failing* Gosh this is funny. Spice go ask Lord Nix she knows what happened.
*throws an acorn at you*
*Catches the acorn*
J U N E!!!
Yes? :3
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