Solar Eclipse
Thread Topic: Solar Eclipse
How very... jaw dropping. *BA DUM PSHH*
that pun was very insulting 😔 /j
…Unpop it now
but i like my jaw popped
it reminds me of a piece of deformed popcorn -
I like pOpc0rn- :>
ngl i have a bad past with popcorn after my sister told me that if popcorn made a crunch, then it would break my mom’s back 😭
literally never ate popcorn again until I realized she was bluffing
bro rlly traumatized me for a good 6 months -
No, that's the "step on a crack, break yo mama's back" myth.
naw, she did that and made up the popcorn thing
That's a cruel way to use your creativity.
ngl I’m rlly ashamed that all of my childhood best friends became super toxic
yeah, we all been through some s---, but kinda wish we hadn’t.
i still miss them
actually, some. one of them was f---ed up, i was pretty damn glad to block them
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