Important. Can I get everyone's attention, please?
- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 16, '20 3:54am
Thread Topic: Important. Can I get everyone's attention, please?
Hi there, this is rvelez in case some didn’t know. I’d appreciate it a whole lot if you can lend your attention to me for a moment, please.
I’d like to apologize for my recent and past actions I made on and offsite. Back in 2012, a little after I joined, I made a fake identity/other persona to get close to a few people who weren’t very fond of me around the time. This eventually evolved into three+ more fake personas and lies that were built on top of the first. Through the account ICE_CUBE97 mainly, I have harassed, lied to, manipulated and verbally abused many users. I have been vicariously insulting and ganging up on multiple people with said accounts, and I’m sorry to those who were affected in any way.
I know my timing is awful. I should’ve brought this up a long, long time ago. Better yet, I shouldn’t have done it in the first place. But I just really want to express how deeply sorry I am for hurting you all.
I also shouldn’t have come back under another alternative/hidden account. I should have been open about my identity once again and I promise I won’t make that mistake again. Once again, I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused the past seven years. I'd love to talk it out in a more private manner if need be. My discord is AR#7144 .
Thanks for reading. -
Attention I'm being test for COVID
Hey, don't worry about it. What matters is that you apologized and that you've changed.
hey spice, i understand where you're coming from but it's really not your place to say "don't worry about it." here. they've hurt some users pretty bad and i think whether or not they should worry about it is between them.
Fair point.
Thank you anyway, Spice. I appreciate you taking the time to read.
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