Emolady23456's Profile

Joined on Aug 24, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Emolady23456's Quizzes
- How well do you know me quiz 2[published: Dec 04, 2020]
Well welcome to part 2 of my how well do you know me quiz thing. Idk anymore. Please help me.……
- Shout-out quiz UwU[published: Sep 11, 2020, 4 comments]
Hi welcome to my shout-out quiz so you need to post a comment saying you liked the quiz and tell me what your……
- What is your wolf name[published: Sep 09, 2020, 5 comments]
Hola amigos and amigas today you dropped by to find out your wolf name? Well your in luck today you can……
- How well do you know me[published: Sep 09, 2020, 4 comments]
Jjjhhjbhgghvvh b g fffdcccxcc. Hb jhbjjbjbubuvuh hhvh hh vhhv h hhvhgvhhgcyddcgxvffcfgcfcgxvgccg gggvggg……
Emolady23456's Recent Posts
"Aug 24, 2020 is my secondary's date of birth. (You know what I mean.)"
"Apparently not."
"This is EmoKit."
"Very stupid."
"I might as well switch alts."
"Go figure.))"
"LOL now ya know."
"Oooooo. Thanks for sharing Vio."
"Yay my birthday is near!!! ♡♡♡♡"
"That's because your strong Drekk."
"My bday the 1 of February."
"@everyone thanks for the birthday wishes!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡"
Emolady23456's Recent Quiz Comments
"I sound like Sailor Venus myself. XD it's so funny too."
1 -
"XD it's funny how we like Sailor Moon animes"
1 -
"I love Sailor Moon. My favorite character is Sailor Mercury. But I sound like Sailor Venus."
1 -
In response to FaeSoulGirl:
"I got slytherin, ive taken 2 other quizzes and…"
1 -
"I have a question. What animes do you like? If your familiar with Sailor Moon then let me know ok."
In response to AdorableMango11:
"Any opinions or corrections? Reply here!"
2 -
"Since you already know me I will give you a quick review of who I am I am emolady23456 but you can call me emo and my favorite color is…"
1 reply2 -
"Same I also got wolf and I love wolves"
In response to sammierox1997:
"Your Result: wolf
there are two sides to…"
1 -
In response to nurse:
"Sailor Venus!"
0 -
"I loved this quiz"
1 reply4 -
"Also my results was 84%"
1 reply2