Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
this one's hella old
i literally used this one like twice
EllieCatDragon Juniori f---ing HATE this account i made it when i was 11
EllieCatDragon Juniori don't even put it in my alts section bc i hate it that much
same w this one
i literally made them for the sole purpose of arguing w each other 💀
that's enough
trying to figure out a new ceramics project under my main theme of negative space
i already did a vase with intermittent holes
and i did a large pot with a hole with lines across jt
i'm thinking about maybe a large bowl with a spiral hole pattern
it'll likely be my last project ever, since i'm graduating in 7 weeks
yall are all invited btw don't be late the ceremony is at 6pm
omg i'm so sick of logging into alts and seeing some random ass anime girl ðŸ˜
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