Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
wait which one
the pinned one in the stage 💪
pfft i just posted there lmao
i came up with the idea like..nearly 4 years ago now 😰
time goes by fast
it sure does 😔
I'd do anything to be 14 again
haha L /j id give anything to stay fourteen
💔 enjoy it gang 😔 because soon you'll be going on 18 wishing you could've done more
Nah i'm mostly kidding i love the freedom i have right now but i miss when my biggest problem was that i forgot to do a chore and now my moms mad or having to do geometry homework
whew long long day
road house then top golf then mc donald's then whataburger 6-1:30am
am so broke 💔
lots of things to think about so i am deciding to not think at all
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