Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life stronger.
Thread Topic: Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life stronger.
Oh f--- I think I ran out of things to say now. xD
Bruh I’m so tired of people doing s--- for me just because they think I’m not CAPABLE OF DOING IT MYSELF
I don’t need you doing s--- for me. -
Usually I’m like.. whatever about if but it’s the same thing over and over.
Mom thinking my 16 year old sister should be the ones to call the people who messed up my order just because she actually says s---.
I’m so tired of them doing s--- for me. If I wanted to deal with it, I would. I don’t need your f---ing help. -
So tired of her seeing me as the passive wimpy one in the bunch, and getting my other siblings to do the dirty work for me. It’s bulls--- and I’m tired of it.
So yea. f--- off. -
I just simply wanted to complain about it, or share. Jfc.
And yeah no I don’t feel bad for telling her to f--- off right in front of her gf bc she says bulls--- to all of us in front of her so I’ll do it back
It’s just so annoying to have people treat you like a kid. Did I not rant about this a few pages back???
This tilts me.
I’m okay now.
i wanna meet up
I should sleep tbh
Why is it that when I drink alcohol I’m called an alcoholic but when I drink Fanta, no one calls me fantastic ?
it’s a joke karen
Yo Rare looks so much like Benjen but I promise it’s not Benjen. 😂
This is gonna be an important scene and ahhhhh hyped!!!!!!
I love Rare, and his development is gonna be epic
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