tbh me?
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 14, '20 3:54am
Thread Topic: tbh me?
those that know me ig
I am unable to match ur way with words and I might have to do a part 2 because my brain be like "what is word" but here goes.
I have, for the longest time, thought you were pretty cool. And I still swear we might of done an rp. Maybe not. I don't know.
Point is!
When I came back, literally everyone intimidated me, I had just gotten out of a super rough situation, and then I lost everything.
You have been nothing but understanding toward me this whole time, and have been a shoulder to cry on I never expected to have.
Every single time you reach out to me in dms I still tear up because I have someone like you who cares and
Is that weird? I don't know.
But you mean a lot to me, and I consider you family, and every single time you make a comment about stealing me if you could I just get so happy and things feel better for a while.
You mean so much to me and I love you.
Ok gushy done -
I've always looked up to you and admired you a lot. I think you're mature and very smart - and I also enjoy your sense of humour. Sometimes I worry I might irritate you, so I always feel a bit hesitant to just waltz right up and talk to you. Also, I love your art a lot and think you're very talented at what you do!!
I genuinely wish you the best in life, because I really do feel you deserve it and I hope your degree goes well for u :) -
You are, by far, the most mature person I know. I'm pretty sure part of it comes from your major and what you've been studying, but.. When I think of maturity, in every sense of the word, you are the first person to come to mind.
Your way with words is astonishing and admirable. And no, I'm not making fun of you, I mean it. I know in the past, I got upset because of your tone, but I think you've really gone above and beyond in working on that and becoming easier to understand.
You are also an extremely talented writer, and despite the fact you've said you look up to me, I.. Actually look up to you. Being a part of that VTM:B RP has shown me that you possess immeasurable talents. I am blessed to be able to see your writing and know you on such a personal level.
At times, I feel like you may be a bit too stubborn in your beliefs. I can't quite think of a good example right now, but I know there are scenarios where I wish you'd look at things from someone else's perspective. At times, that stubbornness makes me nervous to open up, because I can never quite remember how you feel about any given subject. Though, recently, it's definitely been way easier to talk to you!
Overall, I value you as a friend. We got off on an.. interesting foot, but I'm glad you allowed me to work though things with you so we could get to the point we're at now.I'm also very glad that you're John's partner. I think I'd have to beat up anyone else. -
you're very very mature and smart. you have a great sense of humor and you're really good at helping people with emotional issues. you seem a little too set in your views and closed off to opposing ones but you also have clearly put alot of research and thought into your views.
I don't know who you are since you never said what your main was. And I'm sorry for mistaking you for B.
now that you mention it, we may have. I abandoned all the rps I started back then tho lmao
hearing you say that makes me really happy. I've done my best to try and be there for you and knowing that my feelings were able to reach you makes me sooo soso happy
haaa I'm glad you like my humour, that is def gonna go to my head. honestly I was always afraid I irritated you, lmao, so I really don't think you have to worry about that. honestly, you're probably the best artist on the website, so and are lightyears more mature than I am, but thank you for saying such sweet things
jdfkal you guys saying I'm mature is really surprising tbh, I'm glad though
so so happy that my effort is shining through. wording things delicately has always been something I've struggled with
the fact you think I'm stubborn in my beliefs surprises me, honestly. though I tend to exaggerate when talking about liking or disliking things. honestly, unless the topic is child abuse or smthn, I'm always willing to see other perspectives. I use strong language but I usually don't actually care that much, I'm just a bit of a b---- lmao. I'm sorry the way I've acted has made you feel nervous, though :/ in the future, you can ask me, though I know asking things like that is scary. I'll try to be less stubborn
I would also have to beat up anyone else tbh
I think I know exactly what you're referring to here, and you can eat my ass drek atheism is not a religion, it's not even a set of beliefs. also i don't think atheism and agnosticism are mutually exclusive, and can not only coexist but also overlap in many aspects. you should look into agnostic atheism when you have the time. you def set me off by calling atheism a religion tho i will fight your dwarf ass on that ._.
you're good tat its cool I wasnt rlly bothered -
* by set of beliefs, I mean it isn't like religions or even philosophical ideologies which hold a collection of beliefs and doctrines that define their religion or whatever, like laveyan satanism
i actually totally forgot about the atheism conversation until you said that lol
ohhh ok in that case yea ill owrk on not beign so stubborn :notlikemiya: that s the only time i can remember bein rlly into my beliefs in front of yall since i never talk politicx
It's not politics, there's like, a few things?? Where it was like ansksjsjkskssk you know?
but i can't remember what the things are š im sorry -
Ok. What is your main, anyway?
yall need to know i will never, ever yell at you bc you have a different opinion i just talk a lot of s--- :( i exaggerate bc i think im funny or bc i get worked up but like 90% of the time it aint real beef
but im not gonna like. bite your head off. if you say something that actually upsets me ill prolly just leave the convo. thts what ive always done in the past
but if youre scared of me being mean to you bc you said something i don't like thats just not gonna happen, at least not on purpose. like ppl on the main server say s--- that peeves me off all the time, and i clown on them a little but im respectful
apart from that, yeah, I'll try to be a bit more open minded. I'm not sure whre exactly to apply that but ill keep it in the back of my mind moving forward. call me out next time so i can actually. know what youre talking about bc i'm a bit oblivious. drinkig dubm b---- juice
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