Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
ashlyn was rude to him but that doesn't constitute such a reaction
i mean unless it was for a different reason? but i'm pretty sure that's why.
i'd ask him, but i don't think he particularly values me right now.
if i'm being honest though, they have such a weird dynamic and every time they're having issues he throws a hissy fit.
so it's not so much that she was RUDE, it's more that SHE was rude
but i try not to think about it too hard
because what place do i have?
whatever. i always get so worked up about him, and it's for his sake. it's not mutual, obviously, so i need to stop
look at my reels babe 😡😡
guyz follow me on insta @ellienotette
my profile is so cutecore 🤪🤪🤪
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