Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
alr i made it
go take my quiz or i'll slime yall out...
drove down to buckees after the hospital
i got an xl dr pepper because why not
they have all the creamers and half and half and milk and stuff sitting out for the coffees and i thought...sweet cream dr pepper
so i filled my cup with ice and dr pepper, a splash of vanilla cola and root beer for flavoring, then a bunch of vanilla sweet cream
so don't hmu i'm literally in heaven rn 🤤🤤
this is the perfect night to get fuqed up
took the quiz. got 60% my dad is a cop so is that good or bad? nice quiz too
poor friend how do you even get a concussion and 2nd degree burn in two questions
that's a really good result! some of the questions were definitely complex, nice job! 😄
YEAH LOLL that friend just has really bad luck unfortunately 😔 -
Do i have to mention that my friend went skiing a month ago and ran into a "slow down" sign. then, a week ago, he went back and wrote me that he had some bad news. Guess what... HE RAN INTO THE EXACT SAME ONE WHAT KIND OF FAILED FAIL IS THAT!? Guess he was going too fast...
LOL maybe your friend was in my quiz because that's the exact type of person i was envisioning...
anyways gn its 22:50 here and imma be swimming a lot and early tmrw... maybe see ya tmrw
maybe see you tomorrow too, bye!
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