Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
My tummy hurts a bit.
Sometimes I wish I could pick up threads and move them far away.
XD -
I'm a little cold, right now even though it's hot today.
I think I've only had one thread in the Front Porch, and that was when I first got here. I've had countless ones here, though.
You know, I'm nowhere near perfect, and I don't try to be. I don't have anything to hide nor do I have anything to prove. I'm just me, and that's all I'll be. Though a serious mess pretty much all the time, it's who I am. And I suppose I'm okay with that. No, I don't like being a mess, but I'm going to work through it and find a way to improve.š¤āš¤
Walk along, show them that you
Should've, should've made it.
Look at you, see how you're
Getting, getting by! -
So new, love me like you do, and
Just like me, now, you're the colour! -
I think we're okie-dokes.
Alrighty. We're stupid, but that's okay.
It's okay. -
I wish I lived in Japan
I don't really do rp.
Yeah. Roleplaying's for geeks who wear glasses and lab coats!
*leaves* -
Ahahah! Yeah, that's--
Whoops. -
I'm tired of this White Mage picture.
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