Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
But, hopefully that won't come up again.
My sword is a tool of justice, not to be used in anger. -
I'm feeling a little... Well, I'm not sure what it is. Not necessarily gutsier or edgier. Maybe I'm less tolerant of s--- today. I usually baby it, but I'm not taking it, no matter who the person it is giving it or their age. I will deal with them accordingly.😤
Le1F Advancedcan i offer u a leaf of peace
Leaf of peace accepted.
Le1F Advancedo cool c:
I can't help it. This is just one of my favorite pictures. -
Like, 😍
I mean...he's so cute... -
I'd give anything to meet him.
hot -
I can relate to those posts, but for some reason, they make me want to cry.
Honestly. Who is this???
Alright, I'm officially sad.
I don't know why things are so triggering. Someone does something to try and cheer someone up and it just makes me feel the exact opposite.
I'm broken.
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