The wounds that never show...
Thread Topic: The wounds that never show...
we can't do it without a plan.
I'll make another plan, but I still need help. Where will I go? How will I get there? Once that's settled, the only thing left to do is get a job to provide for myself and start over.
I don't know anyone who'd help me run away, though.
I don't have anyone.
Like, why can't you help? You're not making it any better by sending me back home and telling me to discuss my problems with my parents. WHAT IF I ALREADY HAVE...MULTIPLE TIMES...AND THEY DON'T LISTEN?!?!?!
So, best case scenario, I run away, catch Covid, and legit die without kms.
Guess that's just as good. -
running away will only make your matters worse.
I know, but talking to them isn't working/makes it worse.
I don't have outside help and can't get outside help.
I feel like they're dangling my wellness over my head. They have the means to help, but they're just being too stubborn. -
running away will put their guard over you even closer. it’s not a smart or appropriate solution to your issues.
Okay. I won't do that, then.
I want to hurt that man. He's blasting the f---ing radio again. And sometimes he leaves it outside overnight as loud as it is right now.
No. He turned it up.
I hope that one day I won't need this thread anymore.
It's like I first stated, I am not capable of hurting anyone in this state. Everything hurts me too easily. I kind of want to shut down and just not do anything anymore, now. I don't know anymore. I just hurt. I don't want to hurt. Everything in life eventually brings me to pain, it seems. And I have a harder time overcoming it each time it happens. it's really hard, and I feel like I can't take anymore pain. But, there's no way to escape pain. You avoid it in one area, and it finds you in another.
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