Thread Topic: br0wnie
week and two days
hey everybody
i am done with the semester
i feel very relieved -
congratulations!! am proud of u <33
hello everyone
the mood here is kind of gloomy.. but i wanted to say hi nevertheless
i got my septum pierced today. it hurt but i do like it. i didn't like the standard silver ring so i got a purple one
i felt quite nauseous afterwards. i've sat through hours and hours of tattooing before with no problem, so i was surprised by my own reaction
the person doing my piercing was just lovely though. she gave me water and a glucose tablet and let me lay down for a few minutes, despite having other people to pierce
septum piercing sounds cool :)
so weird seeing that you got tattoos when I swear you were a kid just yesterday xD -
it feels like just yesterday i took your 100th post from you π₯Ίππ -
it is cool. i'm stoked about it. it's sore but i'm glad i got it
lol. i started kinda early didn't i? i got my first tattoo right after my 17th birthday and i have 9 now, plus a piercing. some family members like to joke around saying i'm turning myself into a doodle bear
where does the time go lol -
i won't forget that 1000th post, axel
im sure it looks so nice on you. are you gonna get more piercings in the future?
oh lord thats a lot of tattoos. do you have a fav?
my sister sorta wants me to get a sister matching tattoo but I don't do tattoos and piercings are a fat no-no. ^^" -
i'd like to get more, yea. a lip ring sounds nice. maybe an eyebrow piercing. just one or two more tho. my favorite is my zombie pusheen. i got her from this halloween flash event at a tattoo shop. i also have medusa which cost me a few pretty pennies. i need to get her touched up tho cause my skin didn't take the teal very well.
what's up with that? just don't want any body mods? or are you scared
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